
When creating accountability within our teams, especially after an unsuccessful result, it can be easy to consider it a failed experiment and place the responsibility back onto our plates. However, were we to diagnose the root cause for why the delegation failed, there's a chance that the root cause is the system used to delegate, coach, measure, and iterate failed.

Use this checklist to diagnose the root cause in the delegation system.

Vision for Exceptional Accountability

Creating a safe space. Providing a dependable, supportive presence through change. Creating an environment for trust, confidence, transparency and honesty. Building psychological safety.

Setting clear expectations. The appropriate level of communication that outlines a responsibility, with clear purpose, impacts, costs, and desired outcomes, that generates a deep understanding of a request.

Making a commtiment to change. A whole-body decision to create the desired outcome despite volatility, uncertainty, imperfect information, and other obstacles. Creating an organized, thoughtful approach to keep on track and get to the desired outcome.

Executing the change. A determination and tenacity to put in the work to create the desired outcome.

Accepting any and every result. A realization and acceptance of the result of our efforts, no matter the emotional charge, story, interpretation, or reasons behind the result. Assuming positive intent of ourselves and others. The humility to admit errors without blame or finger pointing.

Communicating the result. The informing of all parties the progress to the desired outcome with a clear, transparent communication of the full truth.

Notes on Creating Accountability

Building accountability for others, including within companies, starts with a few foundational elements.