
The Team Sync meeting is a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly team touchpoint to create conscious, cross-coordination to accomplish specific goals.

Running a Team Sync results in the following:

Sample Agenda

Celebrating Success (5 Minutes)

Share your good news or big wins. This can be related to our coaching work or entirely separate. Personal, professional, anything goes. Sometimes it’s hard to celebrate wins along the way, so the intention is to create space to do so.

Review Critical Data: Scorecards, Trackers, Goals, KPIs (5-10 Minutes)

Review all data: trackers, status updates, reports, any information we need to know that aides our conversation. This may occur as dedicated time to silently read, or one person may present the information. This section is typically limited to 5-10 minutes.

Action Items Review (5-10 Minutes)

Review of all the actions and tasked assigned in our previous meeting. Mark complete, incomplete, and in progress. This section is typically limited to 5-10 minutes.

Deep Dive / Issues (45-60 Minutes)

Ongoing list of deep-dive challenges that need to be discussed. Attendees vote on the top 2-3 most important to discuss today. Prioritize and address your questions, concerns, challenges, and opportunities. Most of the meeting conversation happens here.

Summary (5 Minutes)

Recap new actions that need to be taken, and who will take them. Rate this meeting on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best. For scores lower than 8, share how it can be iterated for next time.