One way to get feedback from our teams, and to confirm the teams’ confidence in the vision, is to ask a series of questions. What we aim to elicit are feelings of excitement, belief in the future, with a mix of nervous apprehension because the vision “stretches” the team.

The following questions are inspired by Jim Collins from his book, Built To Last. These can help teams understand if they've chosen the “right” vision prior to communicating to the company.


  1. Do you find this Vision exciting?
  2. Is the Vision clear, compelling, and easy to grasp?
  3. Does this Vision somehow connect to the core purpose?
  4. Will this Vision be exciting to a broad base of people in the organization, not just those with executive responsibility?
  5. Do you believe the organization has less than 100% chance of achieving this Vision?
  6. Do you believe the organization can achieve the Vision if fully committed?
  7. Will achieving the Vision require a quantum step in the capabilities and characteristics of the organization?
  8. In 5 years, would you be able to tell if you have achieved the Vision?

The responsibility of CEO

One major responsibility of a CEO is to clarify and communicate the vision. You’re reaching the next step of this Guidebook. Now that the vision is clarified, it’s all about communication.

Be careful: this is a step where momentum may stop, because it requires some additional work for you, as CEO.